Parish finance

Finance Committee 

The Parish of Bairnsdale-Omeo is made up of seven communities, one Parish school and many other buildings and assets which are used by the Parish in its mission. 

The Finance Council is given the task of ensuring the systematic maintenance of all our Parish buildings, and advises the Parish Priest on the management of the assets and finances of the Parish. The committee prepares an annual parish budget and oversees expenditure on parish projects.

It ensures that the parish meets all its financial obligations and oversees the annual audited Parish Financial Report which is submitted to the Diocesan Chancery Office.

The members of the Finance Committee have the task of planning for the future so as to ensure that the next generation of Catholics will have the necessary resources and facilities that will enable them to fruitfully proclaim the Gospel.

Importantly, the Finance Committee coordinates the Planned Giving Programme which provides all parishioners with the opportunity to support their parish financially.  

Planned Giving Program 

Our parish is everyone’s responsibility; we are all called to be Stewards.
As a Church community we endeavour to run our parish as efficiently as possible relying on the generosity of everyone in our community. The generous efforts of so many need to be recognised, but it also requires that we don’t leave it to some and that we are all committed to contributing our share of the load.

There are three ways of contributing to the Planned Giving Program.  They are by:

  • Planned Giving Envelopes
  • Direct Debt or Credit Card payments
  • Cash directly onto the collection plate

Direct Debit or Credit Card Payments are the preferred method of payment. 

If you would like to join your fellow parishioners in our Planned Giving programme, please contact our Business Manager, Martin White at the Parish office (5152 2942) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                      


Weekly Collections:

The 1st collection (planned giving envelope collection) directly supports costs such as electricity, telephone, loan repayments and wages of parish staff.

The 2nd collection directly supports our priests.  It covers the operational costs of vehicles and phones.

Note: There is a 10% tax concession available for contributions made to Restoration Fund.


A team of volunteers meet weekly to count the Weekly Planned Giving Envelopes and another team meets to count the cash received from the 2nd collection plate, as well as sales from candles and other sundry items.  They prepare the parish banking.  


Finance Committee    Paul Heaton Harris   Telephone: 0418 377 076
Planned Giving Program   Paul Heaton Harris     Telephone: 0418 377 076
Collectors     George Burton Telephone: 5152 4781
Counters   George Burton Telephone: 5152 4781